Friday, March 28, 2008

Cliff Drive to go car free

According to documents obtained by The Northeast News, Cliff Drive, the state's only urban Scenic Byway, could go car-free on weekends as soon as this June if the current proposal being considered by the Parks Board is adopted.

Sources indicate that the Scarritt Renaissance Neighborhood Association has been working with Parks Department officials as well as members of the Cliff Drive Scenic Byway Corridor Management Committee to develop Cliff Drive in to an area that caters to joggers, cyclists and walkers throughout Kansas City.

“This is all part of making Historic Northeast a destination. We want to open Cliff Drive on weekends to those who enjoy cycling and walking in a safe environment and at the same time, showcase the natural beauty of the Cliff Drive Scenic Byway,” the proposal said

The plan’s partners include the Cliff Drive Corridor Management Committee, Scarritt Renaissance Neighborhood, the Kansas City Museum at Corinthian Hall, the Major Taylor Foundation, Westside Housing Organization, the city’s Bicycle Coordinator Deb Ridgway, the Parks and Recreation and the Kansas City Police Department.

If adopted, no motorized traffic would be allowed on Cliff Drive from essentially sundown on Friday, through Monday morning, creating a “pedestrian friendly” environment in a naturally rugged and beautiful setting.

The official proposal is in its final stages of planning and is due to be heard by the Parks Board sometime next Tuesday. Be sure to watch The Northeast News for all the details on this breaking story in Historic Northeast.