Thursday, November 6, 2008

Have it your way

Northeasters — in particular those who live, do business or otherwise have a stake in the downtown area including River Market and Columbus Park — this is your chance to give input to the people planning improvements to the downtown area.
The city's Planning and Development Department and a consultant team led by BNIM Architects need citizens to show up to a public forum Tuesday and weigh in on ideas for improving the 11 neighborhoods around downtown.
The planners have already identified four themes as a framework to use for improvements — doubling the population, sustainability, walkability and safety.
However, now they've got recommendations to show people, and at two meetings from 5:15-6:45 p.m. and 7-8:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Arthur Stillwell Conference Room at Union Station, people can vote on those ideas using electronic keypads.
"At its heart," BNIM Associate Stephen Hardy said, "this is an opportunity for people to help guide the future of downtown and their neighborhoods."
He added the planners are keeping the specific characteristics of the individual neighborhoods in mind while developing this plan. To be sure they really do, attend one of the meetings or sound off on the online forum at