Tuesday, August 5, 2008

PRIMARY ELECTION RESULTS: Burnett retains State House seat — Rizzo takes Committeeman seat from Royster

Burnett with his family thanking supporters / Mike Ekey

State Rep. John Burnett early Tuesday night declared victory for a third time over challenger John Rizzo.

Burnett, speaking to a crowd of supporters in the River Market, said this primary victory was not necessarily about winning. Rather, he said, the victory proved that Northeast residents approved of the work he has already done in Jefferson City.

Voters will send Burnett back to the Capitol with 57 percent of the vote. Burnett enjoyed more of a cushion in this election winning with 933 votes as Rizzo garnered only 636.

"I am really happy with the way thing turned out," Burnett said. "I did not want to win another narrow victory. I wanted to ... know that what I was going to do in the next two years had the support of the voters."

In their last meeting, Burnett won by only seven votes.

Rizzo, meeting with supporters and campaign managers less than two blocks away from Burnett's party, said he attributed the election results to Burnett's negative attacks on him and his efforts to help the neighborhoods.

"He wanted to make this more about me and not about the issues," Rizzo said. "And it worked, I guess."

But the night was not completely lost for Rizzo as he beat Will Royster in an oddly high profile committeeman race in the 11th Ward. Rizzo said he plans to use that seat to continue to help the neighborhoods. Rizzo would not say whether he planned to run again in two years for the legislative seat as Burnett will be forced out because of term limits.

IN OTHER NEWS: Carol Royster retained her 11th ward Committeewoman seat over challenger Lindsay Runnels winning with 55 percent of the vote. Scott Wagner retained his 12th ward Committeman seat over Nick Zicarelli garnering 60 percent of the vote and Laura Wagner, 12th Ward Committeewoman ran unopposed.

In the Sheriff race, Mike Sharp bested John Bullard for the Democrats. Jim Kanatzar beat Rachel Townsend with 65 percent of the vote in the County Proctors race for Democrats.

For a full list of results and statistics, go to the Kansas City Election Board and click Current Results.


Applecart T. said...

Thanks for being the only place I can find these results! Star is weak!

Well, I guess in a couple of years, it will be all Rizzo. THAT will be the fun race to watch. : )

Taurus said...

Let us all hope and pray that Rizzo does NOT run unopposed in two years.

northeaster said...

Why do you think Will Royster spent so much of his own money running for committeeman? Getting his name out in the public eye, of course. After an aborted run against Burnett and Rizzo this year, doesn't that just point directly to him running against Rizzo in a couple of years? Of course, it'll probably be a lot closer race than Burnett/Rizzo was this year.

Taurus said...

I would imagine that Will Royster does have an eye out for the seat his father once held, just as JJ Rizzo does. The difference between the two, however, is that if Royster wins the seat in two years, his agenda will not be his father's, and JJ's will.